Selected Presentations Concerning Higher Ed.

***For a complete list of all publications and presentations of the A2B group, please see (A2B, Associate’s to Bachelor’s Transfer, consists of three projects: TOP [the Transfer Opportunity Project], GROWTH [the Growing Transfer in the Humanities Project], and ACT [the Articulation of Credit Transfer Project]).***

Kurzweil, M., Logue, A. W., & Vickery, C. (2024, July 11). Transfer data transparency as a catalyst for change. AACRAO Technology and Transfer Virtual Summit.

Logue, A. W. (2024, December 13). ALO breakfast invited speaker. Middle States Conference. Philadelphia, PA.

Logue, A. W. (2024, November 23). Tracking vertical transfer students’ credits: Changes in applicability to degree requirements. APPAM Fall Research Conference. National Harbor, MD.

Logue, A. W., Kurzweil, M., & Wutchiett, D. (2024, February 21). The enormous benefits of credit mobility transparency: CUNY Transfer Explorer as a national model. Presentation at the 2024 National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO.

Logue, A. W., Wutchiett, D., & Chellman, Colin. (2023, March 24). Predictors of vertical transfer and other measures of college student success during the COVID-19 pandemic. Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP) Annual Conference. Denver, CO.

Logue, A. W., Gentsch, K., Yoo, N., & Chellman, C. (2023, February 1). The true life story of transfer students’ credits: the bad and the good. Presentation at the 2023 National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students Annual Conference (virtual).

Rabinowitz, V., Oka, Y., & Logue, A. W. (2023, February 1). What faculty know (and don’t know) about transfer—and why it matters. Presentation at the 2023 National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students Annual Conference (virtual).

Wutchiett, D., Logue, A. W., & Gentsch, K. (2023, February 3). Students, faculty, and staff views on transfer: Text analysis of 34 focus groups and 35,000 surveys. Presentation at the 2023 National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students Annual Conference (virtual).

Watanabe-Rose, M., Douglas, D., & Logue, A. W. (2023, June 8).  Possible effects of first semester remediation outcome on student persistence and success. National Conference on Acceleration in Developmental Education (CADE) (virtual).

The articulation of credit transfer (ACT) project. Presentation to the New York State Transfer and Articulation Association Downstate Meeting. (2023, November 30). With C. Buonocore, N. Calhoun, & E. Tichenor.

Invited presentation on transfer to the Education Writer’s Association. (2023, September 7). University of California, Riverside.

A National Example of Streamlined Transfer: Lessons From New York. (2023, April 25). Invited presentation to California’s AB 928 Committee. Long Beach, CA.

Campus Approach to Transfers: A Bad Business Model. (2023, May 18). Office Hours with Dr. De Veau.

Community College Transfers Derail Students. WCBS interview. Host: Budd Mishkin. (2023, May 2).

CUNY Transfer Research & CUNY Transfer Explorer (T-Rex) Updates. (2023, June 28). Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities.

Logue, A. W., Gentsch, K., Chellman, C., & Wutchiett, D. (2022, February 24). Student views: Information for decreasing the leaks in the transfer pipeline. Paper presented at the 2022 National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students Annual Conference (virtual).

Conrad, C., Kurzweil, M., Logue, A. W., & Barlatt, D. V. (2022, October 18). Giving credit where credit is due: an exploration of articulation of credit transfer (ACT). Grantmakers for Education Annual Conference. Austin, Texas.

Gentsch, K., Yoo, N. & Logue, A. W. (2022, February 2-4). Longitudinal analysis of transfer students. Poster presented at the 2022 National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students Annual Conference (virtual).

Sutcliffe, S., Condliffe, B., & Logue, A. W. (2022, March 28). Barriers to student success and opportunities for improvement in the college transfer process. Presentation in the panel: Shaping the Conditions for Course Selection and Transfer. APPAM Annual Conference.

Remediation and transfer: Interactions and complications. (2022, June 6). Presentation to the Transfer and Credit Mobility Foundation Funders Group.

Facilitating vertical transfer: What information do we need, how do we get it, and how do we use it? (2022, March 31). Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities Transfer Initiative Statewide Convening.

Understanding CUNY transfer pathways, tools, & resources. (2022, June 1). Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities Transfer Initiative.

Part II: Lasting impacts: Longitudinal results after seven years from a study on coreq with statistics. (2021, November 22). Complete College America on the Air. Podcast.

Part I: Lasting impacts: Longitudinal results after seven years from a study on coreq with statistics. (2021, November 22). Complete College America on the Air. Podcast.

Logue, A. W. (2021, July 23). Solving for equity. Presentation at Academic Affairs Summer Meeting of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities.

Logue, A. W., Douglas, D., Watanabe-Rose, M. (2021, June 10).  The seven-year itch: Long-term positive corequisite remediation results and growing irritation with resistance to remediation reform.  Paper presented at the 2021 CADE Conference.

Logue, A. W. (2020, January 8). Community colleges, transfer to bachelor’s programs, and equity.  Presentation at the Annual Institute for Education Sciences Principal Investigators Meeting.  Washington, D.C.

Logue, A. W., (2020, February 6). Accessing data for transfer advocacy : How to build cross-campus coalitions.  Participant in panel at the Annual Meeting of the National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students.  Atlanta, Georgia.

Logue, A. W., & Gentsch, K. (2020, February 6).  Survey of staff at 19 colleges : Services that help and hinder transfer student success.  Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students.  Atlanta, Georgia.

Logue, A. W. (2019, November 22).  Corequisite math remediation.  Paper presented at the Center for the Analysis of Postsecondary Readiness’s (CAPR’s) 2019 conference, “Reimagining Developmental Education.” New York, NY.

Logue, A. W. (2019, January 10).  Working together to inform policy and practice.  Participant in panel at the Institute of Education Sciences’ (IES) Annual Principal Investigators Meeting.  Washington, D.C.

Logue, A. W. (2018, November 5).  Math equity ideals & realities :  A legal & policy dialogue.  Participant in panel at The Mathematics of Opportunity Conference.  Berkeley, CA.

Three-year effects of corequisite remediation with college-level statistics:  Webinar.  (2018, August 30).  Complete College America webinar.  Available at

This week in California education: Episode 73, September 8, 2018. (2018, September 8).  Edsource Podcast.  Available at:

Logue, A. W., Douglas, D., & Watanabe-Rose, M. (2018, June 15).  Three-year effects of corequisite remediation with college-level statistics.  Paper presented at the Conference on Acceleration in Developmental Education.  Washington, D.C.

Brathwaite, J., & Logue, A. W. (2018, June 15).  CUNY Start : An alternative approach to addressing students with the greatest remedial need.  Paper presented at the Conference on Acceleration in Developmental Education.  Washington, D. C.

Logue, A. W. (2018, April).  Pathways to higher education reform.  Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Education Research Association.  New York, NY.

Logue, A. W. (2018, February). Pathways to Change: A Contemporary Examination of Transfer Policy at CUNY.  Participant in panel at the Annual Conference of the National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students.  Atlanta, GA.

Logue, A. W., & Watanabe-Rose, M. (2017, November).  Students assessed as needing developmental (remedial) algebra are more likely to graduate if they take college-level statistics instead.  Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Higher Education.  Houston, TX.

Watanabe-Rose, M., & Logue, A. W. (2017, November).  Mathematics remediation reforms in states and university systems: Using data to influence policy changes.  Paper presented at the 39th Annual Fall Research Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management(APPAM). Chicago, IL.

Ecevit, O. Logue, A. W., Stachelek, A., & Walker, R. (2017, April 22).  PRIME:  Project for Relevant and Improved Mathematics Education.  Presentation at the Annual Convention of the American Association of Community Colleges.  New Orleans.

Logue, A. W. (2016, June 22).  Study: Should first-year college students assessed as needing remedial math take college-level quantitative… American Educational Research Association (AERA). View Video

Watanabe-Rose, M., Logue, A. W., &  Douglas, D. (2016, June 18).  Mainstreaming remedial mathematics students:  Follow-up on a random assignment experiment.  Presentation at the 8th Annual Conference on Acceleration in Developmental Education.  Baltimore, MD.

Logue, A. W., Watanabe-Rose, M., Licwinko, S., Walker, R., Tyner-Mullings, A., Dias, O., & Wolfe, K. (2016, April).  Remedial mathematics and beyond:  A faculty-led project for curriculum alignment and streamlining of quantitative requirements at community colleges.  Panel held at the First Annual LaGuardia Community College Developmental Mathematics Conference.  New York, NY.

Logue, A. W., Watanabe-Rose, M., & Douglas, D. (2015, November).  Students assessed as needing remedial mathematics:  Policy implications of a randomized controlled trial examining the effects of mainstreaming.  Paper presented at the Annual Fall Research Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management.  Miami, FL

Logue, A. W., & Watanabe-Rose, M. (2015, April).  Remedial Mathematics Students:  A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Traditional Remediation and Introductory Statistics.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA).  Chicago, IL.

Logue, A. W., & Watanabe-Rose, M. (2014, September).  Mainstreaming Remedial Mathematics Students in Introductory Statistics:  Results Using a Randomized Controlled Trial.  Paper presented at the Society for Research in Educational Effectiveness Annual Fall Conference.  Washington, D.C.

Watanabe-Rose, M., & Logue, A. W. (2014, September).  Mainstreaming Remedial Mathematics Students in Introductory Statistics:  Results Using a Randomized Controlled Trial.  ETS and the National Urban League Symposium.  Princeton, NJ.

Logue, A. W., & Watanabe-Rose, M. (2014, June).  Mainstreaming Remedial Mathematics Students:  A Random Assignment Experiment at the City University of New York.  Annual National Conference on Acceleration in Developmental Education.  Baltimore, MD.

Logue, A. W. (2012, June).  Glass ceilings, labyrinths, and turbulent times:  Factors facilitating successful passage.  Keynote address given at the Long Island/Manhattan Women in Higher Education Chapter of the American Council of Education Diversity Initiative.  New York, New York.

Proposal to ease transfers stirs controversy at CUNY.  (May 2, 2011).  WNYC News radio discussion including A. W. Logue.

Logue, A. W. (2011, March).  Assessing all angles:  Evaluating campuses and presidents at the City University of New York. Panelist at the annual meeting of the American Council on Education, Washington, D.C.

Logue, A. W. (2010, May).  Using data to enhance higher education at the City University of New York.  Paper presented at the Action Analytics Symposium:  Advancing the National Agenda, St. Paul, MN.

Logue, A. W., & Ondrus, S. (2009, June).  Performance management in a university system: The City University of New York.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Consortium for Continuous Improvement in Higher Education, Boston, MA.

Logue, A. W. (2008, October).  The academic context of knowledge dissemination:  Career and institutional issues.  Paper presented at the American Psychological Association’s Science Leadership Conference, Tempe, Arizona.

Logue, A. W., and Scannell, J. (2004, October).  Data-driven retention strategies.  Paper presented at the College Board Forum, Chicago, Illinois.

Logue, A. W. (2002, May).  Behavior systems analysis applied to higher education.  Invited discussant for symposium at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Toronto, Canada.

Logue, A. W., & Anderson, Y. D. (2001, May).  Self-Control, impulsiveness, and higher education administration.  Invited address presented at the meeting of the Society for the Quantitative Analysis of       Behavior, New Orleans, LA.

Logue, A. W., & Anderson, Y.D. (2000, May).  Choice behavior of higher education administrators: Relationships with delayed outcomes.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Washington, DC.

Logue, A.W., & Anderson, Y.D. (1998, May).  Self-control and impulsiveness in higher education administrators.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Orlando, Florida.

Logue, A. W. (1996, August).  Higher education: View from the self-control laboratory.  Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario.