***For a complete list of all publications and presentations of the A2B group, please see https://www.cuny.edu/about/administration/offices/oira/policy/a2b/research/. (A2B, Associate’s to Bachelor’s Transfer, consists of three projects: TOP [the Transfer Opportunity Project], GROWTH [the Growing Transfer in the Humanities Project], and ACT [the Articulation of Credit Transfer Project]).***
Logue, A. W. (2024, December 5). Somewhere over the rainbow: Transfer articulation agreements and alternative credit transfer solutions. Inside Higher Ed. https://bit.ly/3DaQHcF
Gentsch, K., Oka, Y., Truelsch, S., & Logue, A. W. (2024) The vertical transfer pipeline and its leaks: Tracking students from associate’s programs to bachelor’s degrees. Journal of Postsecondary Student Success, 3(2), 18-55. https://doi.org/10.33009/fsop_jpss134267
Wutchiett, D., & Logue, A. W. (2024, April 25). Predictors of student reenrollment and graduation during the COVID-19 pandemic: Student characteristics and circumstances. In M. Kayyali (Ed.), Building Resiliency in Higher Education: Globalization, Digital Skills, and Student Wellness (pp. 376-399). IGI Global https://10.4018/979-8-3693-5483-4.ch020 https://bit.ly/3UvH1Pb
Logue, A. W., Gentsch, K., Oka, Y., Wutchiett, D., & Abbeyquaye, S. (2024) Challenges for successful transfer from community to bachelor’s colleges: Views of staff and faculty with transfer responsibilities. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 24(2), 186-208.
Mueller, B., Tichenor, E., Kurzweil, M., & Logue, A. W. (2024, February 22). Providing credit transfer visibility to improve credit mobility: Ithaka S+R’s “Universal Credit Transfer Explorer” launching in three states in 2024. Ithaka S+R Blog. https://sr.ithaka.org/blog/providing-credit-transfer-visibility-to-improve-credit-mobility/
Mueller, B., Tichenor, E., Kurzweil, M., & Logue, A. W. (2024, March 7). Improving credit mobility through transparency. Inside Higher Ed. https://bit.ly/3vD47el
Logue, A. W., Oka, Y., Wutchiett, D., Gentsch, K., & Abbeyquaye, S. (2024). Possible causes of leaks in the transfer pipeline: Student views at the 19 colleges of The City University of New York. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 26(3). First published online August 2, 2022.
Logue, A. W., Kurzweil, M., Vickery, C., Buonocore, C., & Alvero, A. (2023, December 21). How can AI help transfer? Let us count the ways. Inside Higher Ed. https://bit.ly/3voZT9O
Logue, A. W. (2023, September 14). Should I stay or should I go? Inside Higher Ed. https://www.insidehighered.com/opinion/blogs/beyond-transfer/2023/09/14/should-i-stay-or-go-transfer-students-dilemma
Logue, A. W. (2023, July 6). The transfer checklist: Six ways colleges can facilitate transfer student success. Inside Higher Ed. https://www.insidehighered.com/opinion/blogs/beyond-transfer/2023/07/06/six-ways-colleges-can-facilitate-transfer-student-success
Tichenor, E., Patel, P., Kurzweil, M., & Logue, A. W. (2023, July 6). CUNY and Ithaka S+R launch new functionality in CUNY Transfer Explorer. Ithaka S+R. https://sr.ithaka.org/blog/cuny-and-ithaka-sr-launch-new-functionality-in-cuny-transfer-explorer/ (Reprinted 2023, July 27, in Inside Higher Ed. https://bit.ly/3DymZeQ )
Logue, A. W., Rabinowitz, V., & Oka, Y. (2023, February 27). Community college bias? Study of 3,000 CUNY educators shows skewed views of students & their credits. The 74. https://www.the74million.org/article/do-college-faculty-help-or-hinder-transfer-students-depends-on-type-of-school/
Logue, A. W., Jordan, C., Townsell, M., Bellettiere, N, & Torres, R. (2023). Transfer information online: Websites and articulation agreements at The City University of New York. Community College Review, 51(2), 266-284.
Beyond Transfer Policy Advisory Board. (2023, February 22). Unpacking financial disincentives and driving beyond the short-term reward mind-set. Inside Higher Ed. https://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/beyond-transfer/unpacking-financial-disincentives-and-driving-beyond-short-term-reward-mind (A. W. Logue is a member of this board)
Douglas, D., Logue, A. W., & Watanabe-Rose, M. (2023). The long-term impacts of corequisite mathematics remediation with statistics: Degree completion and wage outcomes. Educational Researcher, 57(1), 7-15.
Rabinowitz, V., Oka, Y., & Logue, A. W. (2023, April 13). Where faculty sit is where they stand. Inside Higher Ed. https://www.insidehighered.com/opinion/blogs/beyond-transfer/2023/04/13/where-faculty-sit-where-they-standTichenor, E., Patel, P., Kurzweil, M., & Logue, A. W. (2023, July 6). CUNY and Ithaka S+R launch new functionality in CUNY Transfer Explorer. Ithaka S+R. https://sr.ithaka.org/blog/cuny-and-ithaka-sr-launch-new-functionality-in-cuny-transfer-explorer/
Logue, A. W. (2022, February 10). Associate-to-bachelor’s transfer: An introduction. Inside Higher Ed. https://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/beyond-transfer/associate-bachelor%E2%80%99s-transfer-introduction
Logue, A. W., & Wutchiett, D. (2022, February 25). Student views: What can they tell us about vertical transfer? Inside Higher Ed. https://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/beyond-transfer/student-views-what-can-they-tell-us-about-vertical-transfer
Logue, A. W., Yoo, N., Gentsch, K., & Chellman, C. (2022, July 7). What really happens to transfer students’ credits? https://bit.ly/3ebUsCn (The photo included in this post is a flow chart illustrating this blog narrative.)
Douglas, D., & Logue, A. W. (2022, April 25). Advantages of corequisite remediation. Letter to the Editor. Inside Higher Ed. https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2022/04/25/corequisite-remediation-works-despite-authors-arguments-letter
Gentsch, K., Truelsch, S., Oka, Y., & Logue, A. W. (2022, August 4). Transfer shock: Reality or myth? https://bit.ly/3ctHShu
Rabinowitz, V., Oka, Y., & Logue, A. W. (2022, September 8). What faculty know (and don’t know) about transfer—and why it matters. https://bit.ly/3RLzeK3
Vora, P., Kurzweil, M., Logue, A. W., Buonocore, C., & Vickery, C. (2022, February 2). Archiving degree audit data to measure and reduce lost transfer credit. Ithaka S+R. https://sr.ithaka.org/publications/archiving-degree-audit-data-to-measure-and-reduce-lost-transfer-credit/
Douglas, D., & Logue, A. W. (2022, April 25). Advantages of corequisite remediation. Letter to the Editor. Inside Higher Ed. https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2022/04/25/corequisite-remediation-works-despite-authors-arguments-letter
Logue, A. W. (2021, August 5). Decreasing structural racism in higher education. Inside Higher Ed. https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2021/08/05/how-remediation-and-transfer-policies-increase-structural-racism-higher-ed-opinion
Logue, A.W. (2021, February 3). Who needs remediation? Inside Higher Ed. https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2021/02/03/academe-should-get-rid-remediation-and-conceptual-framework-surrounds-it-opinion
Douglas, D., Logue, A. W., & Watanabe-Rose, M. (2021, October 13). Community college students assessed as needing mathematics remediation: Seven-year impacts of corequisite remediation with statistics. Dana Center Mathematics Pathways. http://dcmathpathways.org/sites/default/files/resources/2021-10/dana_center_brief_douglas_logue_watanabe-rose_%5Bfinal%5D.pdf (see also blog post about this piece: Kothe, A. (2021, October 13). College-level statistics with corequisite supports best option for students, study finds. Dana Center. https://www.utdanacenter.org/blog/college-level-statistics-corequisite-supports-best-option-students-study-finds
Stachelek, A. J., Familton, J., Milman, Y., Walker, R., Benkali, N., Rojas, E., & Logue, A. W. (2021, Fall). Reforming introductory mathematics education: Three community colleges’ routes to a common goal. Math AMATYC Educator, 13(1). https://cdn.ymaws.com/amatyc.org/resource/resmgr/educator_fall_2021/stachelek_abstract_&_bio.pdf
Kurzweil, M., Le, C., & Logue, A. W. (2020, December 15). Ithaka S+R to expand transfer improvement efforts with CUNY. Ithaka S+R Blog. Retrieved from https://sr.ithaka.org/blog/ithaka-sr-to-expand-transfer-improvement-efforts-with-cuny/
Kurzweil, M., Le, C., & Logue, A. W. (2020, July 14). Streamlining transfer for CUNY students in the Bronx. Ithaka S+R Blog. Retrieved from https://sr.ithaka.org/blog/streamlining-transfer-for-cuny-students-in-the-bronx/
Kurzweil, M., Le, C., & Logue, A. W. (2020, June 5). A new resource to help CUNY students transfer smarter. Ithaka S+R Blog. Retrieved from https://sr.ithaka.org/blog/a-new-resource-to-help-cuny-students-transfer-smarter/
Logue, A. W., Douglas, D., & Watanabe-Rose, M. (2019). Corequisite mathematics remediation: Results over time and in different contexts. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. First published online May 20, 2019, at https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.3102/0162373719848777
Logue, A. W., Douglas, D., & Watanabe-Rose, M. (2019, March 19). Evidence clearly favors corequisite remediation. Chronicle of Higher Education. Letter to the Editor. Retrieved from https://www.chronicle.com/blogs/letters/evidence-clearly-favors-corequisite-remediation/
Kurzweil, M., & Logue, A. W. (2019, July 18). Improving articulation of transfer credit at CUNY. Ithaka S+R Blog. Retrieved from https://sr.ithaka.org/blog/improving-articulation-of-transfer-credit-at-cuny/
Ward, J. D. (2019, December 12). An interview with Dr. Alexandra W. Logue: Expanding pathways to college enrollment and degree attainment. Ithaka S+R Blog. Retrieved from: https://sr.ithaka.org/blog/an-interview-with-dr-alexandra-w-logue/
Logue, A. W. (2018, November 8). Three compatible reforms for increasing college success: Corequisite math remediation, Dana Center Mathematics Pathways, and guided pathways. CAPR Blog. Retrieved from https://postsecondaryreadiness.org/three-compatible-reforms-increasing-college-success/
Logue, A. W. (2018, August 20). Research backs California’s push to reform remedial math education. Edsource. Retrieved from https://edsource.org/2018/research-backs-californias-push-to-reform-remedial-math-education/601457
Logue, A. W. (2018, July 17). The extensive evidence of co-requisite remediation’s effectiveness. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2018/07/17/data-already-tell-us-how-effective-co-requisite-education-opinion
Logue, A. W. (2018, June 21). How to circumnavigate common roadblocks in changing the status quo: Some guidance from experimental psychology. The Evolllution. Retrieved from https://evolllution.com/managing-institution/higher_ed_business/how-to-circumnavigate-common-roadblocks-in-changing-the-status-quo-some-guidance-from-experimental-psychology/
Logue, A. W. (2018, March 9). Considering curriculum reform? Better do your homework first. The Chronicle of Higher Education. View Article
Logue, A. W. (2017, November 20). Will devoting funds to Excelsior help students? Invited post for Ithaka S+R Blog. View Article
Logue, A. W. (2017, October 23). The growing discussion in higher education of transfer and curricular control. The Evolllution. Excerpt from Pathways to reform: Credits and conflict at The City University of New York (2017). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. View Article
Logue, A. W. (2017, October 6). Insider’s take on CUNY’s Pathways. Inside Higher Ed. Q&A by Fain, P. with Logue, A. W. about Pathways to reform: Credits and conflict at The City University of New York (2017). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. View Article
Logue, A. W. (2017, September 13). CUNY’s new approach to transferring college credit. EducationNext. Excerpt from Pathways to reform: Credits and conflict at The City University of New York (2017). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. View Article
Logue, A. W. (2017, June 1). Driving evidence-based reform: Applying the problem of remedial math across the institution. The Evolllution. View Article
Logue, A. W. (2017, May 1). Why you should care about remedial math. Inside Higher Ed. View Article
Logue, A. W., Watanabe-Rose, M., & Douglas, D. (2017, spring). Reforming remediation. Education Next, 17(2). View Article
Logue, A. W. (2016, July 26). Is it a push or a pull? Inside Higher Ed. View Article
Logue, A. W. (2016, July 1). Should college students assessed as needing remedial algebra take college-level statistics instead? The Evolllution. View Article
Logue, A. W., Watanabe-Rose, M., & Douglas, D. (2016). Should students assessed as needing remedial mathematics take college-level quantitative courses instead? A randomized controlled trial. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 38, 578-598. View Article. Accepted into the What Works Clearinghouse as “Meets WWC Standards Without Reservations.”
Scrivener, S., & Logue, A. W. (2016, April). Building college readiness before matriculation: A preview of a CUNY Start evaluation. MDRC Brief. View Article
Logue, A. W., & Shrank, I. (August 3, 2015). An ignored conflict of interest. Inside Higher Ed. View Article
Logue, A. W. (January 23, 2015). CUNY’s pathway to shared governance. Chronicle of Higher Education. View Article
Logue, A. W. (November 20, 2014). “Whither thou goest, I will go.” Inside Higher Ed. View Article
Logue, A. W. (August 4, 2014). Essay on the academic performance of undocumented and other immigrant students. Inside Higher Ed. View Article
Logue, A. W. (November 18, 2013). Time, space and learning. Inside Higher Ed. View Article
Logue, A. W. (April 16, 2013). Provost defends CUNY General-education reforms. Chronicle of Higher Education. View Letter
Logue, A. W. (October 8, 2012). Higher ed disruption: Not so new. Inside Higher Ed. View Article
McCarthy, J., & Logue, A. W. (September 8, 2011). Going to scale: Seeking lessons from colleges and universities that successfully serve large numbers of community college transfer students. Chronicle of Higher Education.
Logue, A. W. (February 11, 2011). Money, money, money. Inside Higher Ed. View Article
Logue, A. W. (May 21, 2010). The power of the system. Inside Higher Ed. View Article
Logue, A. W. (October 8, 2009). Behavior management and a university system. Inside Higher Ed. View Article
Logue, A. W. (February 2, 2009). The scholarship of administration. Inside Higher Ed. View Article
Logue, A. W. (2007). Meeting current challenges in higher education: The need for more psychologists. Review of General Psychology, 11, 381-391.
Johnson, C. (August 22, 2006). Don’t expect confidentiality. Chronicle of Higher Education. View Article (written under a pseudonym)
Logue, A. W., & Anderson, Y. D. (2001). Higher education administrators: When the future does not make a difference. Psychological Science, 12, 276-281.
Logue, A.W. (1998). Laboratory research on self-control: Applications to administration. Review of General Psychology, 2, 221-238.