News Regarding Higher Ed

Expansion of Articulation of Credit Transfer (ACT) Project to 7 CUNY Colleges

It gives me great pleasure to announce the expansion of the Articulation of Credit Transfer (ACT) project, with funding from the Petrie Foundation added to existing funding from the Heckscher Foundation. Now, led by Ithaka S+R (Martin Kurzweil) and The City University of New York, we are helping 7 CUNY colleges facilitate the transfer of credits when students move from one CUNY college to another, including by expanding use of Transfer Explorer, our online tool that lets anyone see how credits will transfer among CUNY colleges. For more information see:


Survey on Transfer for ALL CUNY Students

This survey has closed. We are extremely grateful to the great many (approximately 30,000!) students who participated in this survey, and to the great many people who helped. We have begun the long process of confirming that everyone on the lists of students who were invited to respond, as well as everyone on the lists of students who responded, satisfied the survey’s respondent eligibility criteria. When that process is complete, we will then begin analyzing the data. Thank you again to everyone who helped us get to this point!


New Grant from The Heckscher Foundation for Children to Facilitate Credit Transfer

It is a great pleasure to announce that Ithaka S+R (Principal Investigator Martin Kurzweil) and The City University of New York (Principal Investigator Alexandra W. Logue), have been awarded a new 1-yr $483,000 grant from the Heckscher Foundation for Children to implement innovative solutions for the facilitation of credit transfer between Hostos Community College and Lehman College of CUNY. Our name for this project is ACT (Articulation of Credit Transfer).  Nationally, over 80% of new community college freshmen enter college with the goal of a bachelor’s degree.  Six years later, 17% have received one.  A critical piece of successfully traveling through this pipeline is the successful transfer of credits from the community college to the bachelor’s-degree program. ACT will implement and assess the effects of several new methods for facilitating credit transfer. ACT joins our two other grants concerning student transfer (TOP [the Transfer Opportunity Project], which is being conducted in collaboration with MDRC, is funded by the federal Institution of Education Sciences, and is studying the leaky transfer pipeline from community colleges to bachelor’s-degree programs; and GROWTH [Growing Transfer in the Humanities], which is funded by the Mellon Foundation, and is also studying the leaky transfer pipeline but particularly for students interested in the humanities). Additional coPIs include Barbara Condliffe and Rekha Balu of MDRC, and Colin Chellman and Chet Jordan of CUNY.


Royalties Used To Establish ASAP Transfer Scholarships

The first three Pathways Scholars (ASAP graduates transferring from CUNY community to bachelor’s-degree colleges) have received their scholarships.  All net royalties received from sales of “Pathways to Reform:  Credits and Conflict at The City University of New York” by A. W. Logue are being used to establish these scholarships.  ASAP (Accelerated Study in Associate Programs) is a CUNY program that doubles associate-degree graduation rates.